Shrimple Rules
You have 6 guesses to get the correct shrimp.
The shrimp image under each field shows the
correctness of the field.
Field is correct
Field is incorrect
Field is too big
Field is too small
The daily shrimp shares some elements of this field with the guess shrimp
Either the guess shrimp or the daily shrimp's field is unknown
Comparison is hidden
In Endless Mode, try to get as many shrimps as you can
until your lives run out.
There is a timer on the bottom that keeps moving.
The timer resets when you guess a shrimp.
If the timer runs out, a guess gets skipped.
In Endless Mode, after each correct guess, the
timer permanently speeds up.
In Endless Mode, after each guess, you may get a
random effect.
The effect, if not instant, lasts 4 guesses.
The effects can be of the following: Guess Field Hide: While this effect is active, each
field of the shrimp has a chance of its comparison being hidden. Bomb Party: You are given a three letter prompt and you
must submit a shrimp that includes that prompt within 15
seconds or lose a life. Note that the prompt may include
parts of multiple words, eg. sts with Bay Ghost Shrimp.
The autofill is disabled while this effect is active. Disabled Autofill: The autofill is disabled while this
effect is active. Garbage Shrimp: Two of your shrimp guesses are done for you,
with them having 4 out of 6 of their comparisons being hidden. Reduced Time Limit: The timer turns red and the time limit is
reduced while this effect is active.